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Coastal Tennis

School Coaching Clinics
Coastal Tennis conducts junior coaching clinics in schools across the metropolitan area. If you attend one of the schools below, download the applicable school information or Book Now to pay for your child's lesson.
If you are a school Principal or parent please contact us for information about how we can start a tennis coaching clinic with your students.

Kapinara Primary School
Before School Coaching
Friday from 7.45 - 8.30am

Churchlands Primary School
Before School Coaching
PP-3 Wednesday 7.45 - 8.30am
4-6 Thursday 7.45-8.30am

City Beach Primary School
Before School Coaching
Tuesday 7.30 - 8.15am

John XXIII College
Before School Coaching
Monday 7.45 - 8.30am

Hale Primary School
After School Coaching - TERM 2 & 3
Wednesday 3.40-4.30pm
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